Support #862


Problem with Bouncer

Added by Jonas Seydel 4234 days ago. Updated 4234 days ago.

Status:New Start:08/07/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Engine IRC
Target version:-
Votes: 0


im using since today the znc bouncer to connect to IRC, but with Smuxi it doesn't works.
If i connect to localhost, znc says "You need to send your password. Try /quote PASS <username>:<password>"
But if i type "/quote PASS myusername:mypassword" and press enter, nothing happens, i think Smuxi don't send the message.
No, my bouncer isn't broken, with other clients it works normally.


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4234 days ago

  • Category changed from Other to Engine IRC

Why don't you specify the password in the server settings when you connect? It should login then. I know that other Smuxi users are using ZNC successfully.

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