Feature #1038


Save/restore connected servers and joined channels of the client during restart

Added by Vsyache Puz 3609 days ago. Updated 3212 days ago.

Status:New Start:04/24/2015
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Target version:-


Votes: 7 (View)


Smuxi should remember it's state (without any button/action).
just connect, just join, quit Smuxi, start Smuxi. all should be back.

Connected servers should reconnect, joined channels should rejoin, personal private chats should reopen, message history should reload,
selected channel should be reselected


Updated by Mirco Bauer 3609 days ago

  • Subject changed from Save/restore the state of the client during restart to Save/restore connected servers and joined channels of the client during restart

Updated by Vsyache Puz 3609 days ago


I want not only channels of servers, but channels to users too!! and it's message history to reload - see https://smuxi.im/issues/show/1038

Updated by Vsyache Puz 3609 days ago


- I mispaste in previous comment

Updated by Super Puissant 3609 days ago


Vsyache Puz wrote:

Smuxi should remember it's state (without any button/action). just connect, just join, quit Smuxi, start Smuxi. all should be back.

Connected servers should reconnect, joined channels should rejoin, personal private chats should reopen, message history should reload, selected channel should be reselected

2:18 -!- Changement de mode [+i] pour l'utilisateur Ir0nsh007er
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #android-quebec
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #c64
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #linux-quebec
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #cyanogenmod
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #debian-facile
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #debianfr
02:18 [477 (ErrorNoChannelModes) #cyanogenmod] Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #linux-quebec
02:18 -!- Raccordement : #xda
02:18 -!- Raccordement : ##xda-devs
02:18 -NickServ (NickServ@services.)- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
02:18 -NickServ (NickServ@services.)- You are now identified for Ir0nsh007er.
02:18 -ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)- [#android] Welcome to #android! No bots, no publicly-accessible logging, and no bridging Android apps to this channel, please. Please show good IRC etiquette: don't send private messages without asking first.
02:18 -ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)- [##xda-devs] Welcome to ##xda-devs, the original XDA-Developers Channel
02:19 -!- Raccordement : #cyanogenmod

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