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Toggle_check #  Sort_desc Tracker Status Priority Subject Assigned to Updated Votes
968 BugNewNormalException: An element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.Mirco Bauer05/11/2014 09:32 PM0
967 BugNewNormalui hangup when ssh tunnel is killed04/20/2015 06:05 PM1
966 FeatureNewNormalMarkline color configMirco Bauer05/04/2014 09:11 PM0
964 FeatureNewNormalFacebook server entries should show username instead of hostnameOliver Schneider01/06/2015 02:02 PM0
961 BugNewNormalubuntu 14.04 - tree view corrupted.Mirco Bauer01/20/2015 01:49 PM0
960 FeatureNewNormalSocial Login SupportMirco Bauer03/24/2014 09:05 PM0
959 BugNewNormalException: An item with the same key has already been added.03/09/2014 01:47 PM0
957 BugFeedbackNormalException: Unexpected binary element: 002/23/2014 07:00 PM0
955 FeatureNewLowAdditional Message Patterns05/14/2015 09:05 AM0
952 FeatureNewNormalRemember chat list width04/24/2015 07:24 AM0
951 BugNewNormalXMPP: bad user experience when message from server ' wishes to subscribe to you'Oliver Schneider07/13/2014 01:43 PM0
950 BugNewNormalXMPP double clicking a user inside a room, and sending a message, failsOliver Schneider01/28/2014 05:53 PM0
948 FeatureNewNormalShare vertical space of chat list and user listMirco Bauer01/26/2014 02:43 PM0
945 FeatureNewLownew messages should appear on bottom of screen when only few messages are in the chat03/30/2014 09:39 AM-1
944 FeatureNewNormalAllow each server a choice of not using a manually specified proxyMirco Bauer01/22/2014 08:01 PM1
943 FeatureNewLowWebRTC support01/19/2014 01:42 PM1
942 BugNewNormalNew (empty) filters invisible - not self explaining Mirco Bauer02/09/2014 08:37 PM0
939 BugNewLownickname of others triggers highlight and notificationMirco Bauer01/12/2014 04:52 PM0
938 BugNewLowSmuxi doesn't start with broken PNG support (TypeInitializationException in Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.IndicateManager)01/11/2014 03:45 PM0
937 BugNewNormalException: Return value has an invalid type01/08/2014 09:11 PM0
933 BugNewHighNullReferenceException in Db4oMessageBuffer.FetchIndex()Mirco Bauer01/05/2014 05:37 PM0
932 BugNewNormalSmuxi buffers missing some lines after crash01/05/2014 05:35 PM0
930 FeatureNewNormalp2p, encrypted, anonymous, registration free messagingMirco Bauer04/24/2015 07:20 AM0
928 BugFeedbackUrgentException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.Mirco Bauer02/15/2016 11:41 AM0
927 FeatureNewNormalShow network names in addition of host names in server list01/02/2014 11:07 PM0
925 BugNewNormalon-message-received hook does not hook first PMMirco Bauer12/27/2013 07:44 PM0
922 FeatureNewNormaluse background color for marking messages with highlight wordsMirco Bauer01/26/2014 02:31 PM0
920 BugNewNormalIf Twitter connection fails, "Reconnect" menuitem is not available in its context menu12/23/2013 11:10 AM0
916 FeatureNewNormalUse the xmpp events from Facebook to show the users status.12/18/2013 08:10 PM0
915 FeatureNewNormalAdd alt to bring up menu toolbar 12/18/2013 06:16 PM0
913 FeatureNewNormalrestore old tab based chat layout (instead of the new chat list)02/24/2014 05:53 PM1
909 FeatureNewLowreduce/optimize the spacing of userlist and treeviewMirco Bauer11/30/2013 05:01 PM0
907 BugNewNormalMigrate to xbuild?Mirco Bauer02/23/2016 01:00 PM0
905 BugNewNormalgio-sharp FileNotFoundException happens when being highlighted in a "make run" buildMirco Bauer12/06/2013 12:27 AM0
904 BugNewNormalTwitterizer doesn't support error code 88 "Rate limit exceeded"Mirco Bauer12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
903 BugFeedbackNormalsmuxi-server,smuxi-frontend-gnome hang on FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE during startup11/16/2013 02:16 PM0
902 FeatureNewNormalGNOME3 (gnome-shell) notifications with inline replyMirco Bauer11/06/2013 03:59 PM0
901 FeatureNewNormalClient should round-robin sync with core's persistent buffers rather than doing an entire channel.11/04/2013 08:33 PM1
900 FeatureNewNormalAllow on-connect commands to refer to variables, such as password05/14/2015 09:13 AM1
899 FeatureNewNormalStore password in system keyring (via libsecret)12/26/2013 02:04 PM1
897 BugNewNormalSmuxi doesn't obey display language of Windows 8.1 MUI12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
892 BugNewNormalSmuxi Reappears on Reconnect12/20/2013 05:28 AM0
891 FeatureNewNormalBe able to know the available rooms on hipchatOliver Schneider11/27/2013 06:30 PM0
887 FeatureNewNormalNOTIFY aka friends listMirco Bauer09/26/2013 01:39 AM1
886 BugNewNormalpasswords containing quotes will be cut off at the quote09/03/2015 06:39 AM0
885 BugResolvedNormalMiddle-click on tab should close the tab09/25/2013 05:46 PM0
884 BugNewNormalUserlist does not apply user's chosen background colour, making user modes invisibleMirco Bauer02/15/2016 11:39 AM0
883 BugNewHighKeyboard Input on OS-X is crippledMirco Bauer09/22/2013 06:26 PM0
871 FeatureNewHighNew Toolbar Design (fix the toolbar!!11111)Mirco Bauer11/26/2013 07:56 PM0
865 FeatureNewNormal[UI] Visible indicator for "browser mode"08/18/2013 01:52 PM1

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