Bug #971


Exception: Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 306.

Added by norsk gutt 3809 days ago. Updated 3786 days ago.

Status:New Start:05/21/2014
Priority:High Due date:05/28/2014
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:- Estimated time:2.00 hours

Found in Version:

newest stable

Votes: 0


I get this every time I try to start Smuxi. Happened after my PC crashed once.
I tried to reinstall, with no luck.

Exception Type:

Exception Message:
Expected assignment operator (=) - Line: 1, Position: 306.

Exception StackTrace:
   ved Nini.Ini.IniDocument.LoadReader(IniReader reader)
   ved Nini.Ini.IniDocument..ctor(String filePath)
   ved Smuxi.Engine.FrontendConfig..ctor(String uiName)
   ved Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.Frontend.Init(String[] args)
   ved Smuxi.Frontend.Gnome.MainClass.Main(String[] args)


Updated by Mirco Bauer 3808 days ago


Your smuxi-frontend.ini broke, rename the file and it should start again. Also would be nice if you could paste or upload your broken file so I can see how the corruption possibly happened.

Updated by norsk gutt 3804 days ago


Mirco Bauer wrote:

Your smuxi-frontend.ini broke, rename the file and it should start again. Also would be nice if you could paste or upload your broken file so I can see how the corruption possibly happened.

Copied from the file: UseLowBandwidthMode = False
ShowQuickJoin = True
ShowMenuBar = True
ShowStatusBar = True
/> Engines =
Default =


Updated by norsk gutt 3804 days ago


I had the file on 2 users. The user I am using had just an empty file, and renaming/deleting the file solved the problem.

Updated by norsk gutt 3786 days ago


norsk gutt wrote:

Sorry. I had the file on 2 users. The user I am using had just an empty file, and renaming/deleting the file solved the problem. Thanks.

This happened once more.
My PC got a crash (instant), and again Smuxi would not start.
Removing the smuxi-frontend.ini fixes the problem (the file was empty this time too).

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