Feature #851


Add support for the timestamps sent from znc

Added by Noel Kuntze 4149 days ago. Updated 4007 days ago.

Status:New Start:06/13/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Category:Engine IRC
Target version:-


Votes: 0


Please include support for the timestamps sent by znc (advances bouncer), when it sends messages from the buffer to the client.
Support meaning, that Smuxi automaticly replaces its own timestamp with the one in the message.
One such message looks like this:
21:22 <dcbw> [17:47:07] brb


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4146 days ago


And which date is it? This would only really work if ZNC could send the full timestamp some how (not part of the actual message). How could Smuxi tell the difference between text in the message and a "timestamp"?

Updated by Noel Kuntze 4146 days ago


ZNC supports two modes. Either prepending or appending the timestamp.
When prepending, the original timestamp is the first one in the message, when appending, the original timestamp is the last one.
Messages from the buffer are messages received by the znc when no client was connected, so you only have to replace timestamps for the lines before the message "<***> Playback Complete."
Buffer playback starts with the user * sending "Buffer Playback..." and the ends with the user * sending "Playback Complete." This happens on every channel the znc is connected to.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4007 days ago

  • Category set to Engine IRC

Looks like ZNC supports IRCv3 which can sent timestamps as part of the IRC protocol, see:

The IRC parser/lib will probably need changes for this to work.

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