Bug #837


Filtering on Protocol/Server does not work.

Added by Josh Berkus 4307 days ago. Updated 4307 days ago.

Status:Rejected Start:05/09/2013
Priority:Normal Due date:
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Target version:-

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


The faq here: https://www.smuxi.org/ezfaq/show/smuxi?faq_id=13

Says that I should be able to apply a filter to an entire server, using the "Protocol/Server" type and the name of the server.

I attempted to apply a join|quit filter on chat.freenode.net this way, but it does not work. The same filter works on individual channels, but listing every single channel I join on freenode would be painful ... and beyond the limits of the #name field.

Filter terms:

IRC | Protocol/Server | chat.freenode.net | Event | /(join|left|quit)/


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4307 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

The Protocol/Server Chat Type applies to messages shown server tabs, say the MOTD or specific IRC reply codes. You probably want to filter a message of a group or person chat depending on the server, this is something else and is not implemented yet. Feel free to make a feature request for this as it should be possible to do such (and shouldn't be that hard to implement anyhow).

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