Bug #789


Smuxi frontends fail to connect to the smuxi-server if a SSH ControlMaster is already running

Added by Mirco Bauer 4332 days ago.

Status:New Start:12/12/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Target version:-


Found in Version:

Votes: 0


23:01:22 <aef> First of all, the initial connecting did hang only if smuxi-frontend was started without a shell
23:02:05 <aef> the reason for that is that I used ControlPath ~/.ssh/cm_socket/%r@%h:%p
23:02:15 <aef> and ~ is only resolvable if you have a shell
23:03:15 <meebey> aef: so ~ is not always interpreted the same way, thats uncool :)
23:03:20 <meebey> and unexpected
23:03:33 <meebey> have I mentioned ssh is a code mess?
23:03:39 <aef> further, disabling ControlMaster is not as easy as one might think
23:03:39 <meebey> :-P
23:03:43 <aef> you did mention that
23:04:12 <aef> ControlMaster no just sets SSH up not to be the master, but it will try to connect to a running master
23:04:23 <aef> ControlPath none is the thing one would need to disable it
23:04:38 <meebey> ew :)
23:05:00 <aef> for some reason it still makes a ControlMaster
23:05:02 <meebey> does that work then? even if not the best setup
23:05:08 <meebey> hrhr k
23:05:10 <meebey> and -O forward?
23:05:30 <aef> you can't currently just use -O forward 
23:05:45 <aef> -O forward raises errors if there is no ControlMaster process
23:05:56 <aef> you would have to check with -O check first
23:06:05 <meebey> yeah I expected problems like that
23:06:11 <aef> then decide if you do the ControlMaster stuff
23:06:15 <aef> one more problem
23:07:49 <aef> you can add forwardings with -O forward -L …
23:08:01 <aef> but you can only remove them with -O cancel -L …
23:08:17 <aef> but -O cancel is first available with OpenSSH 6.0p1
23:08:22 <aef> which I don't have yet
23:09:05 <meebey> ouch, so the old tunnels will stay forever as long as the network never goes down
23:09:11 <meebey> and it disconnect automatically
23:09:12 <aef> yes
23:09:47 <aef> so in a forseeable future, that might be a way
23:10:41 <aef> but currently disabling ControlMaster in what I'm trying to do
23:10:57 <aef> but as I said, still no success
23:10:59 <meebey> wheezy at least has 6.0p1
23:11:14 <aef> yeah
23:11:40 <meebey> aef: yeah, once you have found a working way, smuxi should use force-disable, as there is no current way of doing it right
23:11:47 <aef> but this can't be done with just setting SshParameters. I guess the TunnelManager needs an update for it
23:11:58 <meebey> sure, thats ok
23:12:03 <meebey> it has already hacks like that :)
23:12:09 <meebey> checking for openssh version etc
23:12:40 <meebey> it should a) forcibly-disable if too old b) use -O forward and -O cancel when available if ControlMaster is enabled/used

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