Bug #730


easy join sometimes opens second network tab

Added by Bianca Mix 4608 days ago. Updated 4604 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:06/30/2012
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:


Found in Version:


Votes: 0



manual network configuration named the network: CCC
the actual network name after connect (visible in the status bar): tippgicht

Smuxi is sometimes is unable to match these names when using the easy join feature (maybe race condition?)
The fallback method to host + port seems not to work due to -1 as a parameter.

(workaround is renaming the network name in the serer configuration to the actual network name)

18:24:26 <meebey> // check first by network name with fallback to host+port
18:24:26 <meebey> if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(network) &&
18:24:26 <meebey> String.Compare(network, linkNetwork, true) 0) ||
18:24:27 &lt;meebey&gt; (String.Compare(host, linkHost, true) 0 &&
18:24:27 <meebey> port == linkPort)) {
18:24:28 <meebey> das ist die logik btw
18:24:33 <meebey> in Frontend.OpenChatLink
18:24:56 <meebey> sofern es ein netzwerk gibt vergleicht er das, wenn nicht dann host + port
18:25:18 <heavy> nicknick
18:25:32 <meebey> glaube ich weiss auch wieso der fallback nicht geht
18:25:42 <meebey> oben kennt er das protokoll nicht
18:25:45 <meebey> übergibt also keines
18:25:55 <meebey> damit wird port immer falsch sein
18:26:17 <meebey> ah habs schon
18:26:30 <meebey> port -1 (aus dem link) vs port 6667 von der verbindung
18:26:45 <meebey> er darf nur port vergleichen wenn einer angegen wurde
18:26:54 <meebey> ansonsten muss jeder port passen

Associated revisions

Revision f413d7aa9b000b13a49e07739312859b249e005c
Added by Mirco Bauer 4604 days ago

[Frontend-GNOME] Match network name against NetworkID and also chat ID (closes: #730)


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4604 days ago

  • Target version set to
  • Complexity set to Low
  • Found in Version set to 0.8.10

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4604 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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