Bug #622


Users who join while a chat is synced are not visible in the nicklist

Added by Mirco Bauer 4917 days ago. Updated 4094 days ago.

Status:New Start:08/26/2011
Priority:Urgent Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Target version:-


Found in Version:

Votes: 2 (View)


When a user joins to a chat while a frontend is still syncing the chat, the user will not be visible in the nicklist.

This is a race condition in the sync code:
2011-08-26 04:17:47,515 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG TRACE - [smuxi-engine-irc.dll] IrcProtocolManager.Command(command = </join #stammtisch>)
2011-08-26 04:17:47,515 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG TRACE - [smuxi-engine-irc.dll] IrcProtocolManager.CommandJoin(cd = </join #stammtisch>)
2011-08-26 04:17:48,200 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG TRACE - [smuxi-engine.dll] Session.EnableChat(chat = <IRCnet (IRC)/#stammtisch>)
2011-08-26 04:17:48,200 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] WARN  Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - GetPerson(<IRCnet (IRC)/#stammtisch>, TCW): person is null!
2011-08-26 04:17:48,209 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - _OnRawMessage(): #stammtisch synced
2011-08-26 04:17:49,515 [JoinChannelQueue] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - CommandJoin(): waiting to join: #stammtisch
2011-08-26 04:17:54,681 [JoinChannelQueue] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - CommandJoin(): joining: #stammtisch
2011-08-26 04:18:05,490 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.Session - RemovePersonFromGroupChat() groupChat.Name: #stammtisch person.ID: meebey
2011-08-26 04:18:11,472 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.IrcProtocolManager - _OnChannelActiveSynced() e.Data.Channel: #stammtisch
2011-08-26 04:18:11,472 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG TRACE - [smuxi-engine.dll] Session.SyncChat(chat = <IRCnet (IRC)/#stammtisch>)
2011-08-26 04:19:36,722 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.Session - RemovePersonFromGroupChat() groupChat.Name: #stammtisch person.ID: Salz
2011-08-26 04:19:37,052 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.Session - AddPersonToGroupChat() groupChat.Name: #stammtisch person.IdentityName: Salz
2011-08-26 04:20:27,038 [IrcProtocolManager (openirc.snt.utwente.nl:6667) listener] DEBUG Smuxi.Engine.Session - AddPersonToGroupChat() groupChat.Name: #stammtisch person.IdentityName: meebey
2011-08-26 04:20:31,409 [-1294013584] DEBUG TRACE - [smuxi-engine.dll] FrontendManager.AddSyncedChat(chatModel = <IRCnet (IRC)/#stammtisch>)

Related issues

related to Smuxi - Bug #634 messages get lost while tab is opened and synchronized Closed 10/18/2011
duplicated by Smuxi - Bug #560 nick twice in user list New 01/16/2011


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4917 days ago


A workaround is to reconnect the frontend as that will re-sync all chats

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4813 days ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
  • Target version set to 0.8.9

Updated by Bianca Mix 4813 days ago


Another probably related topic:
After a connection issue I rejoined a channel in which all users are usually OPs. Nobody was shown as an OP but they all have been OPs. After a reconnect of the front-end smuxi worked properly so it should be a race connection leading to this problem.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4789 days ago

  • Target version changed from 0.8.9 to 0.10

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4094 days ago

  • Target version deleted (0.10)

This needs a snapshot based sync protocol.

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