Feature #609


Tab stacking

Added by Ivar Hill 4949 days ago. Updated 4931 days ago.

Status:New Start:07/26/2011
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:-


Votes: 3 (View)


Managing a large number of tabs in a traditional fashion can easily get unorganized - a solution to this could be implement a tab stacking feature (see Opera 11 for an example of how this can be successfully implemented: http://is.gd/DKgwtN). Using this feature, users could drag tabs into each other to combine them into a tab group - this group could then be used as a drop-down menu to switch between the tabs in it. Tabs could naturally be dragged in and out of groups at any time.

This would make it easy to sort and organize tabs with minimal effort, easily use Smuxi with a large number of tabs, and find the tabs you want to switch to much faster.


Updated by Mirco Bauer 4948 days ago

  • Category set to Frontend GNOME
  • Complexity set to High

Would be a really cool feature! +1

Updated by Carlos Martín Nieto 4931 days ago


Doing it the way Opera does it would be hard, but a start could be to use a TreeView and have collapsible grouping tabs in the vertical view.

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