Bug #553


can’t add second server with same hostname

Added by Kissaki ? 5203 days ago. Updated 4458 days ago.

Status:Closed Start:12/13/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Target version:0.8.11


Found in Version:

Votes: 1 (View)


My use-case: add a server twice with different username to connect to 2 BNC accounts which run on the same server.

Adding a second server with same hostname and port will deny me though saying such a server already exists.

Even worse (usability) the window is closed, so one can’t even change the data but has to start all over again.

Related issues

blocked by Smuxi - Task #566 Use ID instead of hostname for servers as key in config Closed 02/20/2011

Associated revisions

Revision b8f7a9cffd65a33a559c355768ee2f3ca1c65040
Added by Mirco Bauer 4458 days ago

[Engine(-XMPP), Frontend-GNOME] Use ServerModel.ServerID instead of Hostname as config key (closes: #553, #566)


Updated by Mirco Bauer 5200 days ago


This is currently a limitation of the configuration backend which uses the hostname as identifier for the connection. The only workaround currently is to use different hostnames for the same IP address. This can be done by using a DNS wildcard e.g.: *.myserver.example.com or by adding entries to /etc/hosts. Both workarounds are not nice but there is no other option.

The use of a conventional BNC or IRC proxy with Smuxi was not the primary use-case at the time the config backend was designed. Nonetheless I do not want to limit the usability of Smuxi and thus a rewrite of the config backend is planned which will allow to add the same hostname more than once.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 5200 days ago

  • Category set to Engine
  • Complexity set to High

Updated by Eric Mangold 4901 days ago


This would be a very important feature for me too.

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4458 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Updated by Mirco Bauer 4458 days ago

  • Target version set to 0.8.11

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