Feature #516


Acronym help when acronyms are present in a message

Added by Dale Ragan 5130 days ago. Updated 5105 days ago.

Status:New Start:10/06/2010
Priority:Normal Due date:
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Votes: 1 (View)


When a user is typing a message, allow them to help with indicating an acronym by using a special format or characters. For instance use [] or maybe ^ to indicate the acronym.

^FWIW you don't know jack


[FWIW] you don't know jack

You could maybe even do some kind of intellisense off of it.

*F*or *W*hat *I*t's *W*orth

Then Smuxi sends it like this for other's to read:

12:00 <user> FWIW you don't know jack

FWIW has some kind of visual indicator for people, like an underline or a color. Then when the
user places their mouse over the underlined acronym, it shows "For What It's Worth" in a tip box.

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