Bug #1098


smuxi reconnects to irc channels which were closed after a connection timeout

Added by Stepan Salenikovich 3024 days ago.

Status:New Start:11/29/2016
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:- % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME (IRC)
Target version:-

Found in Version:


Votes: 0


I had some channels open (some of which smuxi was configured to connect to automatically on start in the server config).

I then closed some of those channels and also removed them from the server config, but did not close smuxi.

After losing connection and then re-connecting to the irc servers, smuxi re-opened those channels.

I'm not sure if after the reconnection it should use the new server config or not, but it should at least not reconnect to the channels that I've closed, I think.

I can take a look into fixing this if you point me in the right direction.

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