Feature #1053


Spell checking on Windows

Added by Mirco Bauer 3593 days ago. Updated 3592 days ago.

Status:New Start:05/10/2015
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarMirco Bauer % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:-


Votes: 1 (View)


Smuxi already supports spell checking on Linux by using the libgtkspell library. This library needs to be ported/build on Windows so Smuxi can also use it there. Or Smuxi needs to use a different library that Windows supports.

05:45:23 <Codrus> Is it planned to ever have spellcheck for the windows version?
05:54:50 <pereba> they could implement Windows 8+ native spell check, Hexchat integrated that recently in dev version.

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