Feature #1047
Per channel encoding support
Status: | New | Start: | 05/02/2015 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assigned to: | % Done: | 0% |
Category: | Engine IRC | |||
Target version: | TBD | |||
Complexity: | Medium |
Votes: | 0 |
Encoding should be a configurable property of channel. It should derive it's value from similar property for IRC server. And server's encoding should derive it's default value from global application setting.
User should be able to redefine encoding at each of three levels - 1) whole application 2) IRC server 3) particular channel
User defined configuration should persist during program restart.
There changes to the documentation should be added if necessary on
- how to set these settings
- how to backup settings
Example of usage:
freenode server have UTF8 encoding, but it's #altlinux channel have KOI8-R encoding
solarnet's servers have UTF8 encoding per whole server
.Net have good internationalization features, and can wrap stream over stream (so one can change encoding without changing code much)
Updated by Mirco Bauer 3572 days ago
Vsyache Puz wrote:
.Net have good internationalization features, and can wrap stream over stream (so one can change encoding without changing code much)
That is an incorrect assumption. If the first stream reads the bytes from the IRC socket in UTF-8, then you can't put another stream on top that tries to re-encode from KOI8-R because the original bytes are already gone.
Updated by Mirco Bauer 3572 days ago
It only works if the "middle-encoding" preserves the original byte values which most byte into character decoder or highlevel datatype implementations like String in C# doesn't do.
Updated by Mirco Bauer 3572 days ago
So if one wants this feature to work in Smuxi he would need first to refactor the IRC library (SmartIrc4net) to read and expose IRC messages as byte[] instead of a String. Then Engine-IRC could decide in which character set it wants to decode based on the channel for example.
Updated by Vsyache Puz 3572 days ago
it is not necessary to expose message as byte[]. One just need to pass encoding into library, and library should do conversion inside (if library have no way to set encoding, it should be reworked)
Updated by Mirco Bauer 3572 days ago
Vsyache Puz wrote:
it is not necessary to expose message as byte[]. One just need to pass encoding into library, and library should do conversion inside (if library have no way to set encoding, it should be reworked)
The IRC library that Smuxi uses (SmartIrc4net) has an encoding setting per connection and thus the message decoding is handled for all messages and thus all channels the same way.
Updated by Vsyache Puz 3572 days ago
One need to implement channel encoding support into SmartIrc4net.
Application will set the encoding, and library will return a properly decoded string.
Updated by Mirco Bauer 3572 days ago
As I am also the author of SmartIrc4net I wouldn't implement such feature myself. Decoding messages differently depending on the channel. If someone else implements this I would happily accept the contribution.