Bug #1046


Channel list in 1.0-rc2 is a lot more squished.

Added by Chris Francy 3603 days ago. Updated 3602 days ago.

Status:New Start:04/30/2015
Priority:Normal Due date:
Assigned to:avatarGeorgi Karavasilev % Done:


Category:Frontend GNOME
Target version:-

Found in Version:

Votes: 0


See this. http://imgur.com/SOfwWJe

In particular, look at the #puppet, and #puppetboard channels.

This wouldn't be nearly as bad if resizing the channel list panel would actually save, or could be configured. But any changes to that size get lost if I move smuxi window.

Running on Win8.1 on both computers.

- 0.11-rc5 on the left.
- 1.0-rc2 on the right.

Both are being started via mono

- `"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin\mono.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Smuxi\smuxi-frontend-gnome.exe"`


Updated by Mirco Bauer 3602 days ago


Pleas provide your monitor resolution. Smuxi is calculating the best width best on your Window size / monitor size (if in maximized mode).

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3602 days ago

  • Category set to Frontend GNOME
  • Assigned to set to Georgi Karavasilev

Updated by Mirco Bauer 3602 days ago


@Georgi: I think we need to revert the algo to the old width-ratio because the new message counter column steels some visible space. Maybe a character based width approach is better? Say so that at least 12 characters are visible. Because some people seem to use huge font sizes but the font size is not included in the width algo at all. What do you think?

Updated by Chris Francy 3602 days ago


The resolution and sizes of the two Windows are the following.

older 0.11 (on a 1650 x 1050)
Width = 1562
Heigth = 775

1.0 (on a 1920 x 1080
Width = 1635
Heigth = 841

Also available in: Atom PDF